JDBC | Java Database Connection
JDBC is the connection to any database. You can use it for PostgreSQL, PHPMyAdmin, and more.
The Data Access Object (DAO) pattern is an underlayment that uses an abstract API to separate the application/business
layer from the persistence layer (typically a relational database but could be any other persistence mechanism). The API hides
all of the complexities of performing CRUD operations from the app. The Data Access Object (DAO) pattern is a structural pattern
that uses an abstract API to separate the application/business layer from the persistence layer (typically a relational database but
could be any other persistence mechanism). The API hides all of the complexities of performing CRUD operations from the implementation.
In Summary the DAO is a pattern that provides a wy for us to send and receive
data between an application or app and a database.
JDBC Enables Multiple Connections to the Same Application
JDBC ('Java Database Connectivity') enables the existence of multiple implementations that can be used by the same application. The API provides a mechanism for dynamically loading and registering the correct Java packages with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is used to create JDBC connections as a connection factory.
JDBC a Java Databaese Connect Program
JDBC - - JDBC is the Java Dabatbase Connect program. It's a tool. JDCB What is JDBC? Here I answer your question. It's the first step in connecting to a Java server. Hibernate is an abrstracted version, under the hood version of JDBC. Spring Data is an abstraction of Hibernate.
BIO About the Author: Joseph P Fanning (JPFFK)
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